Friday, May 8, 2009

Relapsing and Bringing Forth the Comedic Rap Once More

So guess who's back for the second time. Dear Beloved Marshall himself (note the irony please, note it without fail!). But this is hilarious. Absolutely, gob-smackingly funny. He only ever seems to take the mickey out of one section of the populace however - the white American. Dare he write a single lyrics badmouthing any African American musician, actor, sportsperson or entertainer while Dre is busy assembling the instrumental in the studio.

Sarah Palin, Amy Winehouse (and her partner-in-crime, Blake Fielder-Civil), Jessica Simpson (and her man), Ellen Degenerees (and her um, woman Portia de Rossi), Lindsay Lohan (and her ex, umm, female DJ with Smooth Criminal-esque hat always on head), Bret Michaels, Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears (and her ex-man, Kevin Federline) have been made the centrefold for Slim's current ridicule. Not that he has ever left Britney alone though. He's been going at her since the Marshal Mathers LP. Who could forget this all-time classic - "Won't the Real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up..."

And his 2003 comeback in which he delivered his familiar trademark parody raps.

What's with the random references to Star Trek and the Rain Man . Quite arbitrary. But how could Fox News' most inflexible conservative not resist putting a word in just for us to let him know how exactly he's interpreted Slim's latest video.

Bill O'Reilly of course has already taken his usual anti-rapper route by claiming that "Eminem is obviously on an obscene rant about Sarah Palin," and that the video is "Totally obscene. Totally inappropriate. Nothing good about it."

A full report on O'Reilly's remarks.

Let's not take this too far. We've always known Eminem as the King of Comedic Rap. For years he's entertained us with his incredible ability lyrical ability and satirical poeticism. He may have issues with Kim Mathers and his Mother (poor woman) - is he a misogynist? Probably not. Is he obscene. Probably yes but there is worse to be said about the obscenity and lack of morality present in other sectors of mainstream media. Comic relief is much needed especially at a time such as this.

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