Saturday, October 9, 2010

Yeeah, You a Bad-Ass Bitch!

This is an important read for all who believe in the "illusion of race" and think that racism is still not an issue.

This comes from the black brute stereotype – blacks as having a violent, savage, immoral nature that they have a hard time controlling. Particularly true for big black men. A fear whites have had since the 1870s shortly after blacks were freed from being slaves. In fact, though, most crime against whites comes not from blacks but from other whites and is done for all the ancient, all-too-human reasons.

From personal experience, remembering all the pathological people who were not black and suspected me of having evil intent, being dishonest, angry or malicious when I was not even close to any of these, I know that the black equates all which is bad stereotype still lives and breathes in our society. Racism is still going strong unfortunately.

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